Sunday, December 26, 2010


I know, I know – many of you in Europe got to witness a rather damaging and disruptive side of it lately. But for New York it is the first real snow of the season.

It has started in the early afternoon today. That's when I took this picture in Central Park, right behind the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The “Beatles” group with umbrellas are obviously tourists. I hope they went promptly to change - they would be in a bad shape promenading in Central Park in heels under this snowfall.

 For those of us who have either children or dogs (or both) the first snow is a special sort of joy. You all know what I am talking about.

 I want to use this very appropriate picture and sort of appropriate day (ok, a bit late) to wish you all a very happy Christmas. I had a really wonderful celebration, so I have a good excuse for posting my holiday wishes late. But the wishes are still the same – for you and your loved ones to live in peace, in love, in joy and in a constant discovery of many wonderful sides of each other. Happy Christmas!

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