Monday, May 10, 2010


This little boy was on the way from a toy shop with his dad. The subway car was somewhat crowded and all the eyes were on him. The basketball and soccer ball (European football) were not the only choices: his father also had a baseball, still in its original package. The little kid was absolutely overwhelmed with so many temptations!

The good thing is that all three games are not only popular to watch, but also to be involved in. Starting from a very young age boys and girls get into some sport, and these three – soccer, basketball and baseball – are among the most popular choices. So for this kid the road is open! In a couple of years he will make a choice what ball he wants to play with the most.


  1. What a wonderful photography. May his life be far from edges and corners, round shaped and bright.

    daily athens

  2. :))) that's exactly what I was thinking looking at him!
